Is the FEMA Region III Alert a Red Herring?
The Internet has been awash of late with articles, analysis
and YouTube clips all examining the warnings put forth by South Dakota S.R. and
State Sen. Sheldon R. Songstad (1971-1978 and 1985-1988)1.
Google ‘FEMA Region III alert’ and page after page of articles, news clips and
releases, etc. pop up for viewing. It has become my habit, (being so
illuminated by the events of Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, 911, and even the recent
Navy yard shooting) to automatically look for falsities.

I’ve chewed on all this news regarding the FEMA III alert and must
confess I swallowed it wholesale along with so many others, as evidenced
by the sheer number of pieces devoted to the subject in the alternative
media: that is, until this morning, when I experienced an ‘ah-hah’
moment. All the attention this alert is garnering is starting to smell – there is definitely something ‘rotten in Denmark’.
As I’ve mentioned before, here,
one must always examine the premise for everything. (Thank you, Ayn
Rand). In checking the premise for this news release, critical analysis
is required to discern the truth. When YouTube, Google, a politician and
Donald Trump all blow the same horn, the note is usually off key.
Let us address the
origin of the announcement itself. Ostensibly, it originated from
Sheldon R. Songstad, a retired state representative and senator from
South Dakota. He has been out of state politics for twenty-five years.
One could ask, “How did he come up with all this information?” In
digging a little further, it turns out the actual news itself originated
from one David Eelles on 07.17.2013. 2. Mr. Eelles runs two websites.
One is a gloom and doom site called Americas Last Days and the other is an ‘end of days’ religious site, here.
There are several articles and clips regarding Mr. Eelles that can best
be summarized by one of them, called “Prophet for Profit?”
To the alert itself, which on the surface is highly alarming and, dare I
say, panic inducing (at least for people in Region III). A quick
recitation of the various threads ‘put together’ by Songstad/Eelles are
as follows:
- 15,000 Russians in Baltimore by October 1st.
- 82% of our combat forces and their supply elements out of CONUS by October 1st.
- FEMA purchase orders for over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals delivered to Region III by October 1st.
- FEMA purchase orders for 22 million pouches of emergency water delivered to region III by October 1st.
- FEMA purchase orders for $13.6 million for MREs and heater meals delivered to Austin by October 1st.
- Nine-week training course for UN Peacekeepers in CONUS to learn Urban Warfare, English, and US weapons systems beginning 4th week of July for 386,000 troops to be completed by October 1st.
- $11 million in antibiotics delivered to FEMA region III by October 1st ordered by CDC.
- World Health Organization held second emergency meeting in its history to discuss MERs coronavirus. Determined a vaccine MUST be in place by October 1st.
- 2800 MRAPs delivered to DHS by October 1st. (Military urban assault vehicles).
- No leave allowed for US military from September 28th thru November 5th.
- NORCOMM yearly training for civil unrest suspended until September 27th. To be performed in northeast coastal areas.
- Date for release of QE3 report moved to October 16th.
- All DHS agents MUST qualify with sidearm, shotgun, and AR 15 by September 28th.
- Sporadic testing of GPS and Communications satellites is coordinated for the first time with a testing date of September 29th.
- POTUS mandates to FEMA and DHS concerning support for metropolitan communities dealing with the extreme climate change MUST be complete by October 1st.
- Over 300 school systems in the US have determined they need three-day kits for each school AND three-day kits for each student to take with them. All deliveries scheduled for the month of September.
- All National Guard units will complete riot control and disaster assistance training during this year’s annual two week training. All units MUST have their training complete by September 30th.
- Daily testing of the Emergency Broadcast System beginning on 09.25.2013 -10.02.2013.
- Eastern-based Coast Guard units to perform massive group training usually performed in the Gulf, in the Virginia and Delaware areas. This is a 10-day training mission to begin September 26th.
Wow! Scary stuff! One wonders how a
retired state politician and an ‘end of days’ minister sourced, collated
and postulated all this information, much of which is internal military
and FEMA directives not readily available to the general public. One
must also question how this search and source operation could
have breathed life? What impelled them to look at military and FEMA
directives to begin with? I submit the information was made available to
them from TPTB. In keeping with the globalists M.O., in all likelihood,
both Eelles and Songstad are unwitting disinfo agents, thoroughly
believing they ‘stumbled’ onto critical information the public needs to
be aware of. The alternative media then took the horse and ran with it.
Off to the races! Another national disinformation campaign is up and
running! (Rubbing of hands and evil chuckles follow).
Another ‘tell’ in this game is the amount of coverage and the persons
endorsing this bit of news. As stated there are endless pages and clips
devoted to the fear mongering alert. Donald Trump did an interview with
Greta Van Susteren (a well-known globalist media shrill) on 08.13.2013
for “On the Record,” a show aired on a network owned by one of the ‘Big
Five’ media conglomerates. In the interview he stated:
"You have to have great leadership, and if the leadership isn’t going to come to fore, it’s going to be a big problem. And I’ll tell you what. Come later on, September 30th, (emphasis added) you could have a real disaster in this country."
Don’t these clowns realize we are onto them? Another indicator is that the main piece was posted on Ron Paul’s website, here. 3.
Some of the video clips (of which there are a great many) contain
disembodied voices, as if the speaker was fearful of identification of
such ‘underground’ or ‘subversive’ news.
A logical question to ask is how do ‘they’ know we are about to have a disaster? The scope for the disaster has been narrowed down, thankfully, to “an actual natural or unnatural disaster.
It may be weather related or environmental or a plague or an epidemic. We do not know those details.” 3.
The government is mobilizing and many millions of dollars are being
spent on the strength of this ‘specific’ information. The clip on
YouTube that supposedly clarifies this information has been “removed by the user.” Please keep in mind; the perps have been at this game for centuries.
By removing the clip, it leaves one speculating (they hope)
that the information must be correct, else why would it have been
removed? After all, we all know the evil government would not want this
‘out there’, right? So sorry, globalists, but you need a new playbook.
Perhaps there is another chapter to Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”? Maybe
“Sun Tzu- Part Deux”? Like Robert Johnson’s thirtieth song? You need it!
We see through the charades, I am pleased to inform you.
What is coming our way in Region III? There is a great deal of speculation. Here are some of them:
- A military attack on the US eastern seaboard, here.
- The ‘tribulation’; here is another one.
- The return of Nibiru, and/or our second sun, perhaps? Here
- Let’s not forget aliens; that would be inconsiderate.
- A dwarf star and seven planets reentering our solar system are coming!
- Don’t forget a monster meteor!
- The illuminati are at it again, those rascals.
And of course, there is the possibility of a plague or epidemic of unknown origin, as well as either a weather or environmentally related disaster.
So many scenarios – so little time! I think I’ll just tag each one on a
small piece of paper and break out my donkey and a dart. But, as seems
to be the case these days, bumbling incompetence by the government seems
to be norm (here, here and here) rather than the exception.
This time is no different. “The retired Senator’s national preparedness research (emphasis
added) was sparked by a comment Donald Trump made during a recent
appearance on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” 4.
Wait a minute! Is this the same airing that took place on August 13th?
(Uh…yes). How can this be? This information was already posted on-line
on July 28th?! 5. As stated, something is rotten in Denmark.
So…we have arrived at the nexus. All that’s left to address is why this has come to light and what is to be gained
by the parties initiating the dissemination of this knowledge. We know
this FEMA alert is not being touted as a drill. It has all the hallmarks
of a genuine (heheh, hahah) alert. The sheer amount of data presented
for public knowledge does indeed point to something happening in that
region (more in a moment on this) between September, October, and
It is my belief that the actual training and requisitions are
genuine. I feel the need to qualify that statement because as much as I
disbelieve the government on many things, in this instance I find that
for them, the truth serves a purpose. If a lie would serve better, then I
believe they would lie. Morality, (of lack thereof) is of no more
concern to the globalist than a ship is to an iceberg.
When we read the news on this alert for primarily October, and
essentially beginning on October 1st (15 of the 19 orders take place on
or within five days of October 1st) in and for FEMA Region III,
our minds automatically make two assumptions. The first assumption is
that the alert is going to ‘kick off’ on October 1st, or damn near.
second is that the alert is for Region III only, and the rest of
the country will remain unaffected. It is only our assumptions that give
these pronouncements any weight. Simply because October 1st is stated does
not mean it is necessarily so. All that is implied is that these items
need to be on site or completed or in the midst of being implemented by
October 1st, not that they will be needed by October 1st.
Additionally, we, by virtue of repeated assimilation (of Region III,
Region III, Region III), discount anything happening to the rest of the country.
Question time – if something were to happen to the entire
country…something terrible that could and would result in a disruption
of the food supply chain, fresh water, and, oh, I don’t
know…electricity, maybe?…who would want to be prepared for that? Washington D.C. perhaps? See FEMA Region III map here.
As we know, there is an anti-terrorist drill coming up (we all know how
well those work out! Boston baked beans, anyone?) called GridEx 2013,
on November 13th. A homebrewed (not a criticism…this article is homebrewed), but concise overview is here.
(And thank you, Global Divisions).
There has been a great deal of
conjecture that this terrorist training exercise will end up like so
many before it…a real event. If that happens, and the entire
country is plunged into darkness, well, I’m sure the globalist minions
spawning this event don’t want to get caught up in it, do they? I can
just picture those lunkheads trying to formulate a plan to get their
butts covered for food and water, disease immunizations (the real ones,
not the mercury laden shots they give our children) and other
necessities for an extended power outage. But hey, they know it won’t
last forever – this won’t be like the show “Revolution” where the lights
go out for good. It will only last long enough for people to riot, for
starvation to set in and the attendant violence and societal breakdown
to manifest.
It has also been suggested TPTB will take this opportunity to upgrade their mind control systems in place for decades…everything at
some point needs an overhaul, and as technology has grown
exponentially, one can assume they wish to implement the next generation
of mind control via’ television and ‘smart’ appliances, meters etc.
ultimately, and what I feel the end game is for this plan, is to (from
their standpoint) finally have a justifiable reason to declare
martial law. I don’t think it’s a coincidence this ‘alert’ includes
Washington DC. If one knows hell is coming down the pipe, would one not
take steps to ensure the basics of survival are covered? Of course, as
this is a terrorist drill, when the lights don’t come back on, it
is the terrorists that are responsible.
Greta Van Susteren, “How did
they do it? Authorities are investigating…remain clam…” (If we
had power, of course…chuckles) Concisely, I posit this entire FEMA
Region III alert is the cover to get supplies shipped in and plenty of
muscle on hand to swat the trouble makers without any questions as to
why they are doing it. If you supply the ‘why’ before the masses ask
why, then it goes off without a hitch. (Thanks, Mr. Songstad…you’ve
played your part…back to the front porch.)
That is the cake – here is the icing. By making such a huge affair of
this alert, then letting the anticipated calamity date pass by with
nothing happening, it deflates the argument of psy-op events. You know and I
know that Sandy Hook was a psy-op, but 200 million don’t.
Of those 200
million, there may be seventy-five million sitting on the fence
undecided. When October passes calmly, those fence sitters will get back
in the pasture with the rest of the sheep. It’s win-win for the
globalists, with the end result being martial law.
Do I have it all wrong? Perhaps. Do I hope I’m wrong? Of course! If
I’m right about nothing happening with the FEMA III alert, and right
about GridEx 2013, then millions will die due to an extended power
failure and all the hell that comes with such an event.
If I’m wrong and
the FEMA III alert is genuine and correct, then there will be a major
disaster in the eastern US, though short of it being an outer-space
threat we are not privy to, it would have to be a staged psy-op, else
how would they know in advance? The best case scenario of course,
is that I am completely wrong on both hypotheses and I wasted six hours
of my life writing this piece; a price I would willingly pay for a
failed analysis.
- Post 08.18.2013 09:54 (Around 45% down the pager from the top)
- . At the very bottom of the piece.
(ISON) International Scientific Optical Network= C/2012 S1
Gli Stati Uniti si preparano al peggio e la Cometa ISON può essere la chiave del mistero?
Il grande governo degli Stati Uniti sta preparando qualche tipo di emergenza, forse per l’arrivo di un evento di enormi proporzioni, per una scadenza che va agli inizi di Ottobre 2013 e si presume per l’arrivo della cometa ISON.
delle nostre forze di combattimento e le forniture militari rientreanno
negli Stati Uniti fino il 1 ° ottobre. L’Acquisto di Ordini FEMA è
salito a più di 14,2 milioni dollari per il MRE e pasti da consegnare
alla Regione III il 1 Ottobre 2013.
L’Acquisto Ordini FEMA a 22 milioni
di sacchi di acqua di emergenza da consegnare alla regione III il 1
ottobre. Ordini di acquisto FEMA a 13,6 milioni dollari per il MRE e
pasti da consegnare a Austin al 1 ° ottobre.
Così la FEMA si sta ovviamente preparando per un qualcosa di grande, come dimostrano le statistiche. Che cosa circa i militari americani e le forze armate di diversi altri paesi delle Nazioni Unite?
di formazione di nove settimane delle forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite
negli Stati Uniti per imparare i sistemi di armi Urban Warfare per
386.000 truppe statunitensi e dovrà essere completato entro il 1 °
ottobre. Le ferie per i militari saranno congelate dal 28 settembre al 5
novembre. Tutti gli agenti DHS dovranno essere addestrati con pistola
fucile e AR15 fino al 28 settembre.

Tutte le unità della Guardia Nazionale saranno dotati di kit completi
antisommossa, con addestramento e formazione più assistenza al disastro
durante questo periodo di due settimane. Tutte le unità devono avere la
loro piena disponibilità entro il 30 settembre e unità della Guardia
Costiera orientali dovranno condurre attività di formazione e poi
sorveglianza in gruppi, nei settori della Virginia e Delaware.
Questa è
una missione di formazione di 10 giorni per iniziare il 30 settembre.
Intanto la cometa ISON si avvicina, crediamo che dovremmo essere più
preparati ad affrontare tutto ciò che potrebbe essere in arrivo? Se sì,
allora perché la data del 1 ottobre gli Stati Uniti chiudono il sistema
di rilevamento “Chi ci sta nello Spazio”? Tutto molto strano, qualcosa
sta succedendo e i signori dei governi nascondono il tutto all’opinione
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